Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bang Bros Viedos For Free

Review and history

2 years ago, I presented my first cushion , in a small exhibition series during Advent, in our studio. I had then no plan, I just wanted to try it and was curious about the opinion of outsiders.
Some months earlier, I have made Emil's children and I wanted to have some cushion, fit with the rest of the decoration. Which should be quite playful and not too far, they should erzhählen stories and inspire the imagination. From this idea, the first cushion for the nursery caused
photo. Florentz Simon

Photo: Simon Florentz

Photo: Simon Florentz

The only Emil did not like and I was constantly asked if I would like to sell ...... and I started, my first pads for a public "audience" to nähen.Oh God I was excited!
So they looked:

It was a great success! The coming year could buy the pillows and other deco items, each Saturday in our studio. (Monday-Friday, we teach here. It was said that out every Friday evening workshop, "shop" in)
why it was called the "Saturday Laden."
The first decoration:
Photo: Simon Florentz

Exactly one year on, the wine shop next to us and we moved a few weeks later, with even more products, fabrics, a sewing machine. It could begin! For the coming year, we have many new plans and I hope that I can report in 12 months, so positive about it.


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